CSKT money to be sent out next week

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PABLO – On Sept. 12, each of the approximately 7,800 Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribal members will receive $10,000 as part of a $150 million settlement with the U.S. government. The payment is a subset of a $1 billion overall settlement between the federal government and 44 different tribes resulting from “mismanaged assets and natural resources held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the tribes,” according to an April press release from the Department of Justice.

CSKT officials have elected to issue half of the $150 million to enrolled members of the tribe. Certain members of the tribe have expressed discontent that not all of the money is being distributed at once, with some individuals picketing in Pablo in August. As of last month, the tribe is still deciding how to best allocate the remaining half of the settlement. Public meetings have helped to identify four key areas that are being targeted for potential future investment- care for the elderly, preservation of language, cultural programs and economic development.