The current membership of the Permanent Forum is due to expire at the end of 2013. Nominations are now requested for the three-year period from January 2014 until December 2016. Current members who have served the maximum of two terms (6 years) as Permanent Forums members cannot be nominated for a further term. Eight indigenous nominated members should be from the seven socio-cultural regions determined to give broad representation to the world’s indigenous peoples. The regions are: Africa; Asia; Central and South America and the Caribbean; the Arctic; Eastern Europe, Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia; North America; and the Pacific. Asia will have an extra member for the next term (2014 – 2016). Nominations should be made following an inclusive consultation process amongst indigenous organizations. In order for nominations to be considered complete, it is important to provide a recent curriculum vitae of the nominees for consideration as well as information about the nominating organization(s).
The deadline for nominations is 1 February 2013.
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