Sara Jumping Eagle: North Dakota ‘Personhood’ laws direct attack on women’s rights
BY SARA JUMPING EAGLE Last Real Indians On Friday, March 15, 2013, the North Dakota Senate voted and passed House Bill 1456, a “personhood” bill which effectively bans abortions in North Dakota. This bill, also called the heartbeat ban, outlaws abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, as early as 6 weeks! If this bill is signed by Governor Jack Dalrymple on Monday March 18th, it will become the strictest abortion law in the country.
This bill states that if a physician performs an abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected they will be fined $5000 and potentially sentenced up to five years in prison, making this medical procedure a Class C Felony in this circumstance. Under this bill there is an exception for “medical emergencies” yet the wording is vague.
There is also no exception made in cases of rape or incest. The North Dakota Senate had also passed Bill 1305; this addendum to the code specifies that a physician may not perform an abortion which is sex selective or because of a chromosomal or genetic abnormality. The penalty for the physician would be a Class A Misdemeanor. Again, wording in the bill is vague.