Ron Paul and Frank Luntz are right: Kill the NRA gun plan

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The NRA proposal to send hundreds of thousands of guns into schools should be tossed into the dustbin of discarded bad ideas. Ron Paul and Frank Luntz are right: the NRA has responded horribly to the latest mass murders using military-style assault weapons. The NRA intransigence has not only poisoned our dialogue about guns, it has taken away attention from equally important solutions involving entertainment and mental health. Some of the same conservatives who agree with the NRA idea of sending hundreds of thousands of armed police into schools have also called for laying off police. Some those who applauded the courage of teachers in Newtown, Conn., have ridiculed teachers and call for teachers to be laid off along with police.

Luntz is right when he says that the NRA has not been listening to the people. Paul is right when he says that it is a very bad idea to send hundreds of thousands of police with guns into schools, though I believe Paul is very wrong when he opposes reasonable efforts to ban the most lethal assault weapons and ammunition. Laissez-faire and Austrian economics are not the proper response to mass murder.

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