Running Strong Announces Fourth Year of $10K Dreamstarter™ Awards

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Our friends at Running Strong for American Indian Youth have just opened applications for the fourth year of the Dreamstarter grant program

The program jump-starts Native youth’s dreams by providing ten $10,000 grants to teams of Native youth and mentor organizations that work together to bring the young person’s dream project to life. Applications are now open for the 2018-2019 grant period for projects around the theme of science and the environment.

This is a terrific opportunity to grow leadership skills, get support for a dream project, and join a prestigious network of Dreamstarter fellows. American Indian youth between ages 14 and 29 are encouraged to apply.

Do you know a young person who would make a great Dreamstarter? More information, including eligibility requirements, can be found at

Social Media:

Note: please tag Running Strong on Facebook and Twitter when you post!

Native Youth: Have a dream project around Science or the Environment? Ready to make it come to life? Be our next Dreamstarter and win $10K from @RunStrong4AIY. Click here to apply now.

Calling all Native scientists and environment protectors under 30: @RunStrong4AIY is giving away ten $10K Dreamstarter grants. Join the next generation of Native leaders. Click here to apply today.

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